Last Updated on October 4, 2023 by

Inshore fishing, especially in the Myrtle Beach area, offers a distinctive blend of excitement and serenity. The coastal waters of South Carolina, particularly around Winyah Bay and Georgetown, are a haven for anglers looking for a diverse and rewarding day on the water.

Winyah Bay and Surrounding Waters

Winyah Bay is the third largest estuarine watershed on the East Coast. Coupled with nearby estuaries like North Inlet, the Santee Delta, and McClellanville, this region presents expansive and uncrowded waters. This makes fishing here not only productive but also peaceful, giving anglers a chance to truly connect with nature.

man holding big redfish in georgetown

Popular Species

The inshore waters are rich with game fish. Anglers on a Myrtle Beach fishing charter can expect to encounter:

  • Redfish: Known for their copper hue and unique tail spots, they often use the bay’s structure to their advantage during a fight.
  • Speckled Trout: Recognizable by their silvery body and dotted patterns, they’re a popular target for anglers of all levels.
  • Flounder: These flat fish are masters of camouflage, often lurking near sandy bottoms, waiting to ambush their prey.
  • Sheepshead: These striped fish, with their peculiar human-like teeth, are stealthy bait nibblers and require a keen sense of touch from the angler.

Fishing for redfish, trout, and flounder is pretty much a year-round activity, ensuring that no matter when you choose to visit, there’s always an opportunity for a successful day of fishing.

fisherman with pawleys island gator trout

Harvest Moon Guide Service

Harvest Moon Guide Service, led by Captain R.C. Ferdon, stands out as a top choice for inshore fishing charters. With a deep-rooted experience in these waters, Captain R.C. is equipped to navigate the bay’s unique spots, ensuring that every trip is a successful one. Having been a lifelong angler and the former owner of the local Sea Tow, his expertise guarantees a rich fishing experience.

two kids holding flounder

Family-Friendly Fishing

One of the standout features of these charters is their family-friendliness. The trips are designed to be engaging for kids, ensuring they are entertained and introduced to the joys of fishing in a safe and enjoyable manner.

man holding bull redfish

Convenience for Myrtle Beach Visitors

For those staying in Myrtle Beach, the convenience factor is significant. A short drive to Winyah Bay allows for a morning of fishing, and if you’re up for it, you can still make your afternoon tee time. It’s the perfect blend of adventure and relaxation.

Inshore fishing around Myrtle Beach offers more than just fishing. It’s about experiencing the diverse marine life, the breathtaking surroundings, and the rich history of the area. Whether you’re a seasoned angler or new to the world of fishing, the inshore waters of South Carolina promise a memorable adventure.

fisherman with sheepshead

Next Steps & Resources

If you came from our Myrtle Beach Fishing Charter Guide, you can get back to your spot here: 3.1.1. Inshore Fishing Charters.

If you haven’t seen the guide, head here: Myrtle Beach Full or Half Day Fishing Charters

Contact the Captain directly if you need help planning a Myrtle Beach Inshore Fishing Charter.

If you’re ready to secure your Myrtle Beach Inshore Fishing Charter, Book Online.